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Custom Web Design Vs. Website Templates

When it comes to starting a new business or revamping your website the question to ask yourself is this: should I opt for a custom web design or use a website template?

Defining the difference

When it comes to starting a new business or revamping your website the question to ask yourself is this: should I opt for a custom web design or use a website template?

While there are pros and cons to both options, in the end, your decision will likely come down to a willingness to invest and stand out (custom web design) versus affordability and time saved (website template).

What is custom web design?

Custom-built websites involve a team of designers and developers whose role is to design, code, and develop your website, bringing it to life from designs made for you.

Upon understanding what your business offers and what you want to achieve with your website, the first step of the process begins, which is the design phase.

In order to best capture your company’s look and feel, you will be asked specific questions that will help the team design your new site.

Such questions might include:

  • Who is your target audience?
  • What message are you trying to convey to your target audience?
  • How do you want someone to feel when they visit your site?
  • What is the main objective you want from your site?
custom web design

Unique to your business

Because custom web design is solely focused on who you are as a business, employing this option for your site will enable you to create a visual aesthetic that’s unique to you.

Maintained by a professional team of designers and developers

With the full support of an expert team, you can rest assured knowing that your website will be kept up to date, with technical issues solved if and when they arise.

Having a professional team on hand also means that their watchful eyes will look out for changes to search engine algorithms (namely Google), and update your site accordingly.

What is a website template?

A website template is a premade webpage, or group of webpages, for which the visual elements and layout have already been designed.

All you need to do is purchase your template (though some are free, depending on the platform you use), edit the content, maybe change some colours and images, and voila! Just like that, you’ve got your very own website.

More affordable

Website templates are certainly much more cost-effective than custom web design and website builds. Because the page(s) have already been designed and are open to everyone, there isn’t any design or development work requiring an additional fee.

Prepare to be ordinary

With very little room to move, alter or enhance the design (in fact, none at all), your site will look just like everyone else’s who has chosen to use the same template as you. Be prepared, as one day you may just stumble across another business’ site looking suspiciously identical to yours.

Which should you choose?

When it comes to building (or rebuilding) your website, we recommend opting for a custom-based design and build. Though it may be the more costly option, choosing a custom web design is a worthy investment that will make your company stand out from the crowd.

With custom web design – and therefore, a custom-built website – you will have the flexibility to move elements around, change font styles and headings, and alter the design wherever you see fit.

While a website template might be okay for a personal blog or creative project, designing a site for your business will require more of a tailored aesthetic – and a custom web design will give you just that.

Ready for a custom web design? Talk to our team >

Steve Aylward